Nice playing, great effort toward conveying so much. Enjoyed that.

Lot going on here as professional reviewer noted however, whats central to me is not only family farms fighting to maintain their way of life and the tools and ways passed down, doing the work of bringing boys to men and girls to women as all ways of making a living were passed, with presence. Those farms and crafts, knowing how to do things, gone with the Industrial Revolution, family's broken, brutal wars. Absent role models physically and otherwise and civilizations descent with much too much of the savage man rather than the Wildman (Robert Bly taught)leading. I admire your'e retreat to the countryside, all of us to take care of our 'little acre' best we can.

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well, "man gave names to all the animals, long time ago"

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moo,yea! "God made all the animals, long time ago"

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Mooo! Fantastic! Elastic!

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